wow it feels like I haven't been blogging for ages! college hours seem to snap me out of the boredom and doesn't fail as a time-killer routine. I'm just so glad I started college instead of starting on February as I had planned earlier. I'll be done with my 15 week foundation course and then go straight to HR. Then the seriousness begins *yawn* I'm just enjoying it so far elHamdillah , I'm loving every moment of it , except the part of waking up and rushing to be on time , *always fails* but yeah I'm planning to work hard. I want to please my parents :D Oh and I started realizing that drama has arrived earlier than I expected, this girl tells me this about that girl, this girl warns me about that girl , who has been warned by that other girl .. Seriously? I came to college to study and make friends but with limits. NOT start a gossip girl season all over again. All I know is that I'll never have such true friends as the ones I have right now, my qps beloved Anyway I was in DXB few days ago, I won the prize of meeting Kim Kardashian and I was actually stunned with how BEAUTIFUL kim really is! None of that shit was photo shopped, I just couldn't help but stare at her! it was too good to be true! and I'm glad I spent the rest of the time shopping with daddy's credit card! I love him and I'm glad he took me all the way to dubai just for Kim Kardashian's sake! my older sister came along and we had a BLAST! Just a day and we decided to stay at crown plaza which was heavenly amazing !