Saturday, 12 July 2014

Your Weekly Eid Guide.

I'll be posting about new or well-known local designers to help whoever is still stuck with their eid shopping! Hope this makes it easier for them!

Lines Collection.

Instagram: @linescollection
For Orders or other Inquiries contact:  +968 91154655


A fashion house for Chic Abayas with a glamorous touch that reflects a modern Arabian Woman.

Instagram: @hala_collection
Orders or Other Inquiries contact: 968 96900994

E Abayas

The New Look of Elegance.

Instagram: @e_abayas
Orders contact: 968 91122757

Pretty Little Skirt

It's all about skirts!

Instagram: @prettylittle_skirt
Orders or Other Enquiries: 968 97838022

Lulas Jewlery 

Lovely handmade and customised accessories 

Instagram: @lulasjewelry 
Orders Contact: 968 99163707