Saturday, 24 September 2011

totally random.

I've been stressing myself SO much for the past few days, maybe even weeks. and it's not getting me anywhere. It's not like i'm not enjoying my life. it's just that this whole thing of choosing which college to go to and what to choose and all of that. it's so effin STRESSING me. I think it's about time to kind of pamper myself, go for a full body massage or something, I think it'll help me physically and mentally :| i can barley sleep these days and I was actually supposed to start college yesterday ( FIRST time and very first day of college but I decided to start by the second semester. I think it's a good choice to have more time to think of stuff.. anyway I guess i'll be pampering myself by tomorrow , or sometime soon! plus crystal laser peeling.. anything, as long as it'll make me feel better.. anyway off to bed :) x